Our Philosophy of Teaching


“Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching; and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning.” -Paulo Freire


Where it began.

We have spent our whole lives in classrooms, it seems, from Kindergarten to our adult careers, and we have not stopped learning; not even for a second. When we were deciding what paths we wanted to pursue, it was always clear that lifelong learning would be at the basis of it all. We wanted to learn, teach, observe, assess, and most importantly, connect. Michael went the route of science and research, while Courtney’s desire was to help children who were struggling to succeed.

We believe all students deserve quality education, care, support, and respect.

Courtney’s classroom style is one where students are placed at the center of teaching and learning; a place where they feel welcomed, safe, nurtured, and taught to their particular strengths. Continual assessment will be used to guarantee the students are comprehending the material in a meaningful way. Utilizing differentiated instruction techniques and universal supports will ensure children are being educated in a way that best supports them and helps grow their confidence!

Helping students develop a sense of self, a love and respect for themselves and their community, and a deep love of education is a goal we have and hope to instill in each student we come in to contact with.