“Michael has previously been an invaluable teaching assistant in musculoskeletal physiology for 2 years as well as an excellent teacher lending his knowledge and talents as a recurring guest lecturer on the Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis at the University level at Western. Aside from watching his skills as a teacher and mentor evolve, I have taught and worked with Michael for over a decade now. His passion for learning and science is unmatched.”

-Dr. Frank Beier, PhD

(Chair of Dept. of Physiology/Pharmacology, Western University)


“Teachers Pests Tutoring has been such a blessing to our family! My daughter grew from an anxious and insecure student to a confident girl who is now excited to learn! The virtual platform is convenient and easy to access. Such a great support during remote learning! Thank you Courtney.”

– Trisha Jordan (mother of client)


“She really helps me understand things. And makes learning really fun and I really love her.”

-Grace (student)

“The change I’ve seen in Grace has been such a great one. She’s excited to learn new things and she’s excited to do math, which was always a battle in our household to do. Courtney has been so great and has such a way with her. It makes me happy to see the confidence in Grace. She went from getting F’s and D’s to B’s and A’s. And I am so grateful and appreciate everything Courtney has done!”

– Lauren B. (Grace’s mother)